On Tuesday 13th April 2021 the third CEP Education & Training expert network meeting took place online.

Representatives from five countries presented on their experiences in dealing with education for probation staff during the Covid-19 pandemic: Catalonia, Czech Republic, Italy, Ireland and France. The speakers not only told about the difficulties and challenges, but also about the teamwork that had been done, the positive outcomes and the lessons learnt.

Then after a short coffee break professor Ioan Durnescu from the University of Bucharest, Romania, presented to the group the Core Correctional Skills training programme and upcoming course dedicated to this (Barcelona, 8-12 November 2021).

All presentations plus the report of the meeting can be downloaded below.


Cira Stefanelli (Italy)

David Williamson (Ireland)

ENAP (France)

Marc Cerón (Catalonia)

Martin Kracik (Czech Republic)


Report Education & Training meeting 2021

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