CEP works together with several partners in the field of probation and criminal justice.
Here you can find the links to their websites:
- EuroPris, the European Organization of Prison and Correctional Services
- EFRJ, the European Forum for Restorative Justice
- ICPA, the International Corrections & Prison Association
- Victim Support Europe
- European Network on Victims’ Rights
- FRA, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
ERA, Academy of European Law - RAN, Radicalisation Awareness Network
- CEJFE, Centre for Legal studies and specialized training
- The Probation Institute
- EFUS, the European Forum for Urban Security
- IN-CJ, International Network for Criminal Justice
- APPA, the American Probation and Parole Association
- CCJA, the Canadian Criminal Justice Association
- PACCOA, Probation and Community Corrections Association
- WWP, the European Network for Work With Perpetrators
- ESC, European Society of Criminology Community Sanctions and Measures Working Group
- Fair Trials, Global criminal justice watchdog
- Prisoners Abroad, Human rights and welfare charity
- Penal Reform International, Promoting fair and effective criminal justice
- UNODC. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime