Sex Offender Management experts gathered in Sofia, Bulgaria, on the 24th and 25th of June 2019 for the CEP Expert Meeting on Sex Offender Management. The meeting focused on national presentations, as well as the Council of Europe recommendations on the work with sexual offenders.
The first day was about the participating countries, what kind of methods do they use for the management of sexual offenders? The first country to present on their activities regarding working with sexual offenders was Bulgaria, followed by Spain, Albania, Slovak Republic and Baden-Württemberg.
On the second day, Kieran McCartan and Marianne Fuglestved presented their first draft of the Council of Europe recommendations on the work with sexual offenders. In April, a very first draft of the recommendations had been presented at the PCCP meeting in Strasbourg. Kieran McCartan and Marianne Fuglestved explained the set-up and content of the document to the participants and the group split in three rotating sub-groups to discuss and give feedback on the various topics and articles.
The Sex Offender Expert Group has been established in February 2012 to improve coordination and cooperation between CEP members for probation practice development with sexual offenders across Europe. Today it provides opportunity for lead experts of CEP members to meet and discuss further development of work with this unique and challenging target group of probation clients.