The Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research (SCCJR) has published two research reports on offender management and community justice in Scotland. The first is Changing Lives? Desistance Research and Offender Management and explores many aspects of offender management. The topics include: the purposes of offender management; understanding and supporting desistance; desistance and the process of offender management; desistance and compliance with offender management; and, desistance and the credibility of offender management.

The review was commissioned by the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) to open up lines of enquiry which NOMS may then pursue through its policy programme – specifically its emerging work on offender engagement.

For more information, download the report and visit it’s website.

The second report is entitled Culture, Change and Community Justice and reviews the international research on the management of change within community justice organisations. It specifically explores:
1. The nature and character of occupational, professional and organisational cultures in community justice.
2. How such cultures respond to, accommodate and resist change processes.
3. How and why processes of change succeed and fail in criminal justice organisations.
4. Effective approaches to the management of change in criminal justice.

The review was undertaken to inform the work of the Scottish Government’s Performance Improvement Strategy Group.

For more information, download the report and visit it’s website.

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