Tuesday, July 2, marks the beginning of the 6th Summer Course, running until July 5. This year’s theme is “Towards Resilience,” with over 50 participants gathering in Barcelona.

The course was officially opened by Jana Spero (CEP), Encara Bodelon Gonzalez (CEJFE – Centre d’Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada), Aune Nuyttens (EUROPRIS – European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services), and Edit Törzs (EFRJ – European Forum for Restorative Justice). John Stafford is moderating the event.

Johan Lothe began the program with a plenary session titled “Resilience in and after Detention: Understanding the Value of Working with NGOs and People with Lived Experience.”

Wednesday’s sessions focused on various aspects of resilience. Iva Prskalo led a workshop on building staff resilience, Professor Jo Clarke, PhD, covered organizational resilience, and David Ivarsson discussed client resilience.

On Thursday, participants had the option to visit several sites:

  1. The Specialised Support Unit for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (DAE-DID) and the Multisensory Room (Snoezelen) at Quatre Camins Prison.
  2. The Institution for Young Offenders at Centre Educatiu Can Llupià.
  3. The Participation and Cohabitation Model (MPIC) at Quatre Camins Prison.

The afternoon continued with workshop sessions, which lasted until noon on Friday. The group also attended plenary sessions by Jane Mulcahy, discussing “Rethinking Resilience: Understanding State-Dependent Functioning and Offending Behaviour,” and Dr. Madeline Petrillo, speaking on “Building Shame Resilience through Trauma-Informed Practice with Criminalised Women.”

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