On the 9th and 10th of October 2018, delegates from both probation and prison gathered in The Hague, The Netherlands, for the CEP and EuroPris Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation Workshop. The workshop was organised in cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security.
There is an increasing number of foreign nationals detained in prisons or under probation supervision. In terms of management, treatment and preparation for release of this group, prison and probation administrations face numerous and complex challenges.
The workshops included interactive discussions about the challenges that prison and probation services are facing and how these are addressed by the different countries. Transfer of prison and probation sentences under the respective Council of Europe Framework Decisions were discussed as well, as international resettlement practices.
You can find the workshop report, programme and presentations below.
Report, programme and presentations
Presentation Marcelo Aebi and Natalia Delgrande ‘Foreign inmates in European prisons’
Presentation Caroline Wasler ‘Foreign offenders in Austria’
Presentation Katja Dogovic ‘Preparation for prison transfer under FD 909’
Presentation Gisella Conrad ‘Theory into practice FD 947’
Presentation Gerhard Ploeg ‘Foreign citizens in Norwegian corrections’
Presentation Virginie Nouaille ‘How are supported foreigners by French penitentiary system’
Presentation Tijs Bagchus ‘Foreign Nationals in Prison; National Policy into Local Practice’
Presentation Femke Hofstee-van der Meulen ‘Foreign prisoners in the Netherlands’
Presentation Michèle Demierre ‘Who is the International social service’
Presentation Ibra Mbaye ‘Resettlement work with foreign national prisoners In Geneva’
Presentation Elisa Querci ‘Restoring Family Links in Places of Detention’
Presentation Yuri Zelentsev ‘Safe Way Home’
Presentation Nick Hammond and Isabelle Storme ‘E-Learning on Foreign Prisoners ‘