Corona effect

The outbreak of the corona virus has an enormous effect on the work of probation in Europe.  Organizations are forced to create new ways of working and to provide additional instructions for staff in managing their work and responsibilities.

In this news item (daily updated) CEP publishes information, measures and protocols on how probation services all over Europe are dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak. Some articles are in national languages, please use online tools to translate them if you wish.

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How do the various jurisdictions react?

  • In Austria (Verein Neustart) measures have been taken up to continue the work during corona.
  • In Flanders, Belgium, the work in the Houses of Justice goes on, but in an amended way.
  • In Belgium, French part, the Houses of Justice, the Centre for Electronic Monitoring and the Centre for Assistance to People concerned by Radicalism or Extremism leading to Violence (CAPREV) have taken into use several protocols.
  • In Catalonia, Spain, various measures have been taken into force.
  • The Probation Service of Croatia has made important changes in their way of working.
  • In the Czech Republic several measures and protocols have been set up.
  • The Prison and Probation Service of Denmark has written a guideline regarding the Covid-19 situation.
  • In Estonia temporary changes in the way of working have been introduced.
  • In the Criminal Sanctions Agency of Finland several temporary precautionary measures have been taken.
  • In the Ministry of Justice of France, special measures have been taken to keep the situation under control.
  • The National Probation Agency of Georgia has introduced several measures to deal with Covid-19.
  • The organization DBH in Germany (Cologne) gathered information from several German Länder on how they deal with the situation and continue their work during Covid-19.
  • In  Germany, Baden-Württemberg, an extensive list of rules and precaution measures have been drawn up.
  • In Germany, Bremen (Niedersachsen), the Ministry of Justice has set up several measures to handle the corona crisis. In October 2020 a new report on the impact of Covid-19 in prison and probation has been issued.
  • In Hungary the preventive work preparations have started.
  • In the Probation Service of Ireland a list of key actions has been drafted.
  • In Italy special trainings have been organized to teach the many new probation officers on how to do their work during Covid-19.
  • In Jersey the Probation and After Care Service has written a protocol for the Covid-19 situation as well as a home visiting guidance.
  • In the State Probation Service of Latvia a protocol has been set up for the Covid-19 situation.
  • In Malta the Probation Service has introduced temporary changes in the way of working.
  • The Dutch Probation Service of the Netherlands has undertaken many precautions and actions.
  • The Probation Board for Northern Ireland has also set up a guideline.
  • The measures in Norway have been updated and renewed in May.
  • Updated information on Poland now available.
  • In the Prison and Probation Service of Portugal measures have been taken including a new regime related to the exceptional release of prisoners put under the supervision of probation teams.
  • The Probation Service of Romania has taken measures for the work during the Covid-19 outbreak.
  • In Scotland a guidance letter has been written for Criminal Justice Social Workers. On 7th April a new guidance has been issued by the government, which includes a section for community orders and supervision.
  • In the Slovak Republic specific measures have been taken for both probation and prisons.
  • The Ministry of Justice in Slovenia has introduced several measures.
  • In Sweden a whole range of instructions has been given to the SPPS probation officers.
  • In Turkey the Detention Houses under the Ministry of Justice have put in place new rules and regulations.
  • In Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service of the United Kingdom a document with measures has been taken into force.
  • The United Kingdom has set up a Probation Roadmap to Recovery.


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