The Council of Europe (CoE) Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) aims at supporting CoE Member States in implementing European human rights standards (CoE and EU) at national level, by raising the capacities of legal professionals to apply those instruments in their daily work. The HELP Project ‘Radicalisation Prevention, Judicial Response to Terrorism & International Cooperation in Criminal Matters’ (HELP RP-TERR-ICCM) is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe through its HELP Programme in partnership with the Confederation of European Probation (CEP).
This series of 8 vodcasts is created by Robert Örell and Prof. Ioan Durnescu, in which they interview experts working in the field of deradicalization and rehabilitation in Europe.
- Spiros Papadopoulos, Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism expert within the Austrian probation service and project manager at NEUSART KOMPASS, Austria.
- Liesbeth van der Heide, Researcher and lecturer at Leiden University, the Netherlands.
- Tina Mykkänen, International Consultant, P/CVE and CT Expert.
- Maarten van de Donk, Expert of RADAR, working for Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN).
- Marc Hecker, Director of Research and Communications, French Institute for International Relations.
- Elvar Jonsson, Program Educator, Entré program Sweden.
- Pedro Liberado, Chief Research Officer & Head of Radicalisation, Violent Extremism and organised crime at Innovative Prison Systems (IPS).
- Torben Adams, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer UNODC Vienna.