On 11 December 2024, high representatives from CEP, EFRJ and EuroPris met in The Hague to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the three organizations conforming to the Criminal Justice Platform Europe. The purpose of the current MoU has the aim of reflecting the current way of working and the existing mutual trust underpinning the collaboration among the three organisations.
In October 2011, senior representatives of different Criminal Justice organisations met in Rotterdam to consider ways of working together better. At a time of economic difficulty, it was agreed that there would be great value in creating a new method of collaborating – the Criminal Justice Platform Europe. The Platform was established in 2012 with the support of the Catalan Government and the Centre for Legal Studies and Judicial Training in Barcelona, Catalonia – Spain, and had an active programme.
Since its inception, the Platform has evolved into a stable collaboration among its current three partners and has consolidated the common vision and aims. After almost 11 years of working together, the three partner organisations have streamlined the internal organisation and enhanced working methods with very positive outcomes.