“How do we make the framework decisions easy to understand for every probation officer?” is what we wanted to know? During the Framework Decisions Expert Meeting in September 2017, we asked the participants for ideas. The outcome? An informative flyer for the offenders, a simple guideline for probation officers and an animation movie. 

Guideline and leaflet

CEP has produced a  practical guideline document and a leaflet in order to offer basic information about the possibility to transfer Probation sentences. The target group for the guideline is the probation officers and other professionals and the leaflet is meant for the offenders.

Framework Decisions guideline for probation officers

Framework Decisions flyer for offenders

Animation video

CEP also produced a short animated movie about the Framework Decisions because we think it is important to communicate in many different ways in order to reach a broad target group.

CEP encourages its members to download the document and translate them into different national languages. The document are meant as basic information and are not legal documents. The document will be updated when needed. Please let us know if you translated the documents by sending us an email to: communication@cep-probation.org.

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