On 14 December 2022 CEP organized a Workshop on gender-based violence in Probation. The workshop was held at the Centre for Legal Studies and Specialized Training in Barcelona. The workshop aimed to increase awareness of gender-based violence in probation and address gender inequality, especially towards women and girls, focusing on sexual abuse and domestic violence. The workshop covered the topic from the perspective of probation and other criminal justice professionals including offenders and victims.

The workshop was attended by 40 participants from 14 EU jurisdictions that came together to understand the conceptualization and understanding of the phenomenon of gender-based violence, to discuss effective and efficient ways of working with offenders and victims (women and children), which programmes and interventions are used to prevent and work with gender-based violence offenders and support treatment process. A World Café session brought together smaller groups of participants to discuss and share knowledge and experiences from different jurisdictions and thus support mutual learning as one of the core skills necessary for further professional development.


The programme of the workshop was divided into two parts. In the first part of the morning, 4 plenary presentations took place.  The first presentation was delivered by Ms. Berta Vall, Research and Development Manager from the European Network for Work with Perpetrators (WWP EN) who gave an overview of domestic violence in Europe. The second presentation was delivered by Ms. Paula Arce Becerra from the Catalan Justice Observatory on gender-based violence from Catalonia, who talked about Gender-based violence against women and girls in the context of the Catalan criminal justice field. Professor Kieran McCartan from the University of the West of England, United Kingdom, shared his knowledge on Understanding and responding to the challenges and opportunities in working with Gender-Based Violence. And last but not least Ms. Ellinor Hallebro, from the Swedish Prison and Probation Service, presented the Swedish perspective and intervention programmes for violence within close relationships.

In the afternoon world café discussions were organized. The group participants were divided into 4 small groups and discussions were on: Risk and needs assessment tools, good practices on intervention programmes (group and/or individual), training for Probation professionals and identification of challenges and needs at a local and international level.







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