January 2016 – December 2017
Lead partners:
- VOCVO (Flemish support center for adult education) based in Belgium and also promotor of the project;
- VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), also a Belgian partner;
- Educatie Achter Buitenlandse Tralies or EABT (Education Behind Foreign Prison Bars) from the Netherlands;
- MegaNexus, an ICT company based in the UK
Aim of the project: the FORINER project, which was launched on the 1st of January 2016, was initiated to provide EU foreign national inmates in EU prisons with access to qualitative, low threshold, certified learning opportunities provided by home institutions but received by the inmate in an EU foreign prison. To this end a structure will be designed and tested which allows education providers to reach out to their national prisoners in other EU countries, at the same quality standard as the home offer. This website will provide you with an update on the progress of the project, along with the contact details of all members involved and locations on where we will be hosting events.
EU funding programme: in July 2015 the FORINER project was selected by the European Commission to be funded through the European programme Erasmus+
Click on the link for more information about the FORINER project.