2016 – 2018
Lead partner: ERA, Academy for European Law
Partners: Centro de Estudios Jurídicos (CEJ), Spain, Studiecentrum Rechtspleging (SSR), The Netherlands
Associate Partners: European Judicial Training Network (EJTN), European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services (EuroPris), Confederation of European Probation (CEP), European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ), Ecole National de la Magistrature, France
Co-funded: European Commission Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers
Aim of the project: The main objective of this ERA project proposal is to offer four training events that will promote the understanding and learning of various aspects of countering terrorism and radicalisation, with a particular focus on mutual legal assistance between EU Member States in relation to the spontaneous exchange of information, the mutual recognition of decisions between EU countries in relation to confiscation and freezing orders, as well as the prevention of radicalisation in detention and using alternatives to imprisonment.
These seminars will act as a platform to debate and assess the impact of these various issues in relation to countering terrorism and radicalisation, as well as offer the attending participants an update on the tools available to better identify and counter these issues and/or improve the prosecution of offenders or offer them a possible alternative to detention. In so doing, findings will be made and conclusions drawn, especially in relation on how to better exchange information across borders more effectively and speedily, in order to prevent terrorist activities and possible attacks, as well as on issues in relation to the sentencing of radicalised individuals and offering them an opportunity for reintegration into society in the process of being de-radicalised and offered a possible alternative to detention. Moreover, the need to improve and facilitate cross-border cooperation in countering all of the abovementioned issues in relation to terrorism and radicalised individuals will be stressed and highlighted throughout the series, as the crime in itself makes no halt before national borders, which will also act as a networking facilitator for all those in attendance and establish crosssector contacts, as well as an exchange of best practice.
- Raise awareness of issues surrounding cross-border cooperation, mutual legal assistance and recognition of decisions in countering terrorism, its financing and radicalisation in detention, as well as alternatives to imprisonment
- Improve application of relevant legal instruments (FDs 829, 909, 947, 577, 783, EAW) and fourth AML Directive) due to real-time training, including workshops where relevant
- Allow for an exchange of best practice and experiences in matters relating to counter-terrorism, exchange of information, freezing and confiscation of assets, countering radicalisation in prisons and alternatives to imprisonment
- Strengthen mutual trust and networking between judicial authorities active in the field
- Contribute to the discussion about a need for further action and a more coordinated and coherent approach to judicially respond to counter terrorism, its financing, radicalisation in prisons and alternatives to imprisonment
4 Seminars:
- Mutual legal assistance in countering terrorism and exchanging information; mutual recognition of decisions in relation to FDs 577 and 783; the fourth AML Directive and the use and functioning of ECRIS (EN & ES), Madrid, March 2017
- Prevention of radicalisation in detention: FDs 909, 829, 947 their implementation and proper use, the EAW and pre-trial detention in relation to apprehending and further radicalising individuals; the role of the judiciary in disengagement and de-radicalisation, de-radicalisation programmes in prisons and religious counselling (EN & DE), Vienna, September 2017
- Rehabilitation and alternative sanctions to detention of radicalised individuals: alternative probationary measures, reintegration into society, rehabilitation measures in relation to foreign fighters as part of the criminal justice response, rehabilitation programmes and supervision within the context of FDs 947 and 829, risk assessment of individuals, role of the judiciary in disengagement, rehabilitation and de-radicalisation (EN), Utrecht, March 2018
- Best practice and the way forward in relation to cross-border judicial cooperation in countering terrorism and preventing radicalisation in detention: summary of findings of last three seminars, focussing on and giving a deeper analysis of highlights of all of them, reviewing results and making conclusions about possible future training needs (EN & tbc), Trier, September 2018
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