The disengagement and reintegration of extremist offenders and radicalised individuals in prison related to violent right-wing and Islamist extremism is a matter of urgent relevance in many European countries, not least in order to prevent further terrorist attacks. A number of activities and practices have been developed in individual countries, but significant needs remain. For instance, there is a massive need for training of prison and probation specialised staff. At the same time, existing tools need frequent and constant adaptation to reflect the most current insights in the context of reintegration and disengagement endeavours. Overall, it is necessary to optimise and professionalise the process, include multi-agency and multi-disciplinary approaches and focus on the transition period between prison and probation which poses a particular vulnerability.
At the EUTEx final event ”Breaking the Cycle: Advancing Disengagement and Reintegration of Terrorist and Extremist Offenders” in Vienna, on 19 June 2023, CEP President Annie Devos took participated in the panel discussion focused on future challenges for prison and probation in the context of violent extremism. More information here.
The HELP Project “Radicalisation Prevention, Judicial Response to Terrorism & International Cooperation in Criminal Matters” (HELP RP-TERR-ICCM) is funded by the European Union and implemented by the Council of Europe through its HELP Programme in partnership with the Confederation of European Probation (CEP).
The project’s main objective is to improve justice cooperation in criminal matters and to contribute to the effective and coherent application of related European instruments through increasing capacities and mutual trust of justice practitioners. The emphasis is on transnational cooperation and the following priorities: mutual recognition of instruments; judicial responses to terrorism, notably on reinforcing the prevention of radicalisation, especially in prisons; issues related to pre-trial detention, in particular raising awareness of case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR); the functioning of European and other international Treaties/legal instruments on international co-operation in criminal matters.
The WayOut project – Integrated Exit Programme for Prisons and Probation – is fundamentally aimed at building a common framework to evaluate exit programmes along with the development of an innovative and integrated programme based on proven effectiveness approaches. Ultimately the project will improve and facilitate the implementation of exit programmes across the criminal justice system, namely in prison and probation settings. Hence, this project responds to one of the European Union’s security concerns: the problem of radicalisation leading to violent extremism.
Preventing Radicalisation through Probation and Release (PREPARE)
With the Preventing Radicalisation through Probation and Release (PREPARE) project Efus wants to develop an innovative multi-agency de-radicalisation, disengagement and rehabilitation programme that includes local authorities in the process. First of all, they will identify the needs in the field. This will help them with drawing up fitting recommendations for the local authorities. Efus wants to strengthen their capacities in working with multi-agency prevention of radicalisation projects and bring together European local authorities that are willing to address radicalisation through release and probation.
Local Institutions Against Extremism II (LIAISE 2) (2016 -2018)
Co-funded by the European Union, the project “Local Institutions Against Violent Extremism II” (LIAISE 2) seeks to strengthen the capacities of local and regional European authorities to prevent and tackle the issue of radicalisation leading to violent extremism.
DERAD (EU funded project 2016 – 2018)
DERAD is an European project that aims to prevent the escalation of radicalisation in the prison environment and help prisoners and probationers who are often exposed to Jihadist recruitment or self-radicalisation to overcome the different problems and push factors usually exploited by recruiters
Reducing Influences that Radicalise Prisoners (EU funded project 2007 – 2010)
This EU funded project addresses the training and awareness-raising needs of criminal justice staff working in Prisons and in the community with prisoners and ex-prisoners released on license. It seeks to raise awareness of the features of prison life and community supervision that could be factors or influences in violent radicalisation.
Free online training for R2COM project
R2COM aims to foster and enhance the involvement of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE), especially in the follow-up/aftercare provision of newly released individuals. The initiative will pursue this by improving the competencies of NGOs’ professionals in the area with sustainable, tailor-made, and needs-oriented training programmes. Hence, R2COM intends to improve the management of individuals prone to radicalisation by increasing the success of NGOs’ interventions. It will also promote cooperation and the establishment of dynamic synergies amongst NGOs in the EU and beyond.
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