On April 28th, CEP Secretary General Jana Spero talked at European Commission Judicial Training Conference: The right skills to embrace the digitalisation of justice. She presented recommendations for training during the workshop on Probation and Prison Officers for the 21st century.

During the online conference from 26-28 April 2023,  they focused in-depth on the digitalisation of justice, one of the priorities set by the European judicial training strategy 2021-2024. At the specialised workshops and in the plenary, They discussed how to upskill the “digital capacity” of justice professionals and learned about digitalisation’s impact on training content and the training methodology itselfLastly, they exchanged concrete training needs and experience examples of best practices.

View the conference report here.

more news about this event:

Videos are online: European Commission Judicial Training Conference: The right skills to embrace the digitalisation of justice

Jana Spero Presents Training Recommendations for Digital Justice at EC Conference

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