In the morning of Wednesday 29th, September 25 international experts came together for the 2021 CEP expert meeting on the European Framework Decisions 829 and 947. Also, two representatives of the European Commission were present.

After the welcome and opening by CEP Secretary-General Willem van der Brugge, professor Ioan Durnescu (University of Bucharest, Romania) took the floor and gave two presentations – one on the obstacles and difficulties in the implementation process of FD 829 and the other one on a case study regarding FD 947. For this second presentation Professor Durnescu had interviewed several service users for their input, and one of these interviews was also shared with the group. It was the first time that CEP could show such a recorded interview, and we are grateful to the service user who was willing to share his first-hand experiences with us.

After a short coffee break, the group split into small group sessions where the issue of multi-agency cooperation when working with the European Framework Decisions was discussed. It was overall agreed that interagency cooperation was of pivotal importance in order to make the implementation processes faster, friendlier, and more transparent.

The last presentation of the meeting was delivered by Ele-Marit Eomois of the European Judicial Network (EJN). She described her organization, its main functions and aims. Also, the EJN website was mentioned as this is a big source of information regarding the Framework Decisions. It contains statistics, e-tools and broad information on contact points in several EU countries. Ele-Marit also spoke about EJN’s experiences with the 2 Framework Decisions 829 and 947. 

All presentations of the meeting can be downloaded below.

Presentation FD 829 – Pre-triad ; Prof. Ioan Durnescu

FD 947 Case study Prof. Ioan Durnescu

EJN presentation

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