CEP is happy to announce that its Gender Equality and Diversity Policy is now published on the CEP website. The newly developed policy aims to cultivate a productive, positive, and equitable environment that benefits all CEP members and the criminal justice and network organizations CEP collaborates with.
Human Rights, Citizenship, and Ethical Practices at the Core of CEP’s Mission
Human rights, citizenship and ethical practices are at the core of CEP’s mission statements, principles and activities. All CEP activities respect the European Convention on Human Rights and seek to include the excluded in communities and society. CEP’s objectives include promoting gender equality and non-discrimination in line with the Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit, the EC Gender Equality Strategy 2020–2025, and the CoE Gender Equality Strategy 2024–2029.
When drafting its strategy and implementing its actions CEP also follows the Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity. CEP also contributes to tackling multiple and intersecting discrimination by monitoring access, participation and benefits among different genders and incorporating remedial action that redresses gender inequalities and discriminatory effects in the implementation of its activities.
CEP actions ensure gender and non-discrimination mainstreaming by addressing special needs groups including sex offenders, people formerly in prisons, gender-based offenders/victims, vulnerable groups (e.g. persons with mental health issues, learning disabilities), women in probation, violent extremism, foreign nationals, juvenile and young adults. Through expert groups, networks, workshops, and conferences, CEP advances equity, fairness, and inclusion, contributing to safer communities.