CEP SG Jana Spero was the first speaker at the International Conference ‘Inter-agency Cooperation, Mental Health, and New Technologies – Challenges of Modern Probation Services.’ The conference was held in Opatija, Croatia, from 3rd to 5th October 2023 and gathered more than 100 experts from criminal justice systems in Europe: probation, prison, judges, prosecutors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and university professors.
The conference was organised by the Croatian Probation Service in cooperation with the Norwegian Correctional Service as part of the project ‘Strengthening the protection of human rights and public safety through improving the capacity of the probation service,’ which was financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism. Mr. Goran Brkic, Head of the Probation Service of Croatia, presented excellent project results and all international cooperation under the project.
CEP Board member Ms. Danijela Mrhar Prelic, Director General of the Probation Service of Slovenia, was a panellist during the panel discussion ‘Benefits of Interagency Cooperation or a ‘conditio sine qua non.’