Restorative Justice bookThe European project `Improving Knowledge and Practice of Restorative Justice´ has produced its first book, entitled Restorative Justice – A European and Schleswig-Holsteinian Perspective. The project aims are to improve knowledge in the field of Restorative Justice, gain information on the implementation and application of Restorative Justice Methods, raise awareness amongst relevant actors and the general public, as well as identify effective measures and best practices in the partner countries: Germany, UK, Estonia, Belgium, Hungary, Russia and the Netherlands.

A further goal is to expand the quality and quantity of applied Restorative Justice Measures through action research. In order to reach this, the cooperation between the judicial sector and social work agencies must be strengthened. Three conferences are carried out as part of the project in Kiel, Germany; Tallinn, Estonia and Oxford, UK. This book is the first project publication (English and German), reflecting the issues discussed and presented at the initial conference in Kiel, Germany.

You can download the report in PDF here.

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