On 22 February 2024, the first meeting of a newly established Expert Group on Caseload and Workload took place in the CEP office (Utrecht, The Netherlands). With 8 expert members and 3 guest speakers present the group shared the background information on the state of play of the caseload and workload within the respective jurisdictions, identified and set up a work plan for the upcoming two years. Last but not least, a presentation on the outcomes of the 2022 CEP Evaluation Audit on Caseload and Workload was presented. The guest speakers gave insights into caseload and workload in Serbia and Lithuania as well as introduced the results of the survey on caseload and workload across Europe launched in cooperation with the Portuguese Prison and Probation Service back in 2022.

The report will be published soon.

Presentations and links:

  1. Olga Tesovic (Serbia) – Caseload and Workload – Serbian Experience
  2. Zilvinas Miliauskas (Lithuania) – Caseload and Workload – Lithuanian Experience
  3. Ana Cristina Pestana Neves (Portugal) – European practices regarding case management – survey

“Impact Assessment of the Application of Alternative Sanctions and Measures in Serbia, 2015 to 2020” from the Repository of  Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research: http://institutecsr.iksi.ac.rs/356/


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