Overview of the presentations of the traditional conference ‘Probation Works’ after the General Assembly of CEP, held from 28th to the 29th of May 2010 in Málaga within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the EU.

Conference based documents:
Official Programme

Conference report by Gerhard Ploeg and Sue Hall
French version of the report
German version of the report

Plenary sessions:
1) “The context in which probation systems in Europe operate”
New trends in crime, social issues and correctional policy by Cândido da Agra
The impact of the new criminal and social context on probation systems in Europe by Sonja Snacken (Word Version)

2) “The effectiveness of probation systems in Europe”
The use of technical tools to support effective practice (with particular reference to assessment tools by Santiago Redondo)

3) “Communication strategies”
Managing the media by Shadd Maruna
The importance of consistency in internal and external communication by Sjef van Gennip

Workshops round 1:
1) “The implementation of the EU Framework Decision 2008/947, in a context of increasing numbers of foreign nationals on probation caseloads”
* Michael Donnellan
* Leo Tigges

2) “Crimes of gender-based violence: a challenge for probation services”
* Lídia Serratusell
* Laura Negredo López
* Nuno Matias Ferreira

3) “Probation services and new types of crime: a real phenomenon or a result of net-widening?”
* Annie Devos
* Miguel Angel Vicente

4) “Probation interventions with people who have committed serious offences: models of intesive supervsion”
* Mark Siddall
* Carlos Soler

Workshops round 2:
1) “Assessment tools: the measurement of risk and protective factors”
* Jacqueline Bosker

2) “The role of victim-offender mediation in probation”
* Leo van Garsse
* Kristin Henning (Word Version)

3) “Social reintegration programmes for offenders who have served a prison sentence – preventing reoffending. With special reference to the relationship between penal institutions and social workers from local governments and NGOs”
* Francisco Navalho
* Núria Fabra
* Enrique Arnanz

4) “Responding to hate crime and extremism”
* Liz Dixon
* Helmut Heitmann and Christine Koschmieder

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