On the 21st of March 2024, the second webinar on violent extremism welcomed 31 practitioners working in probation services across Europe. Mr. Cuma Ülger from the Violence Prevention Centre, Germany, introduced the topic on how individuals might be at risk for radicalization and presented a holistic approach that the Centre has been incorporating in their work. Ülger explained that connecting on a personal level with the extremist offenders, creating a sense of well-being and safety and helping clients to overcome inner resistance regarding certain topics, is an important factor to prevent radicalization in the long run. With that said, Ülger adds that adequate intervention, with the main focus upon a non-confrontational approach is quite crucial to re-connect with the offender. Thereby, he highlighted that by creating safe spaces, such as religious communities and acknowledging their personal spirits in regards of being religious should not be ignored by the social workers working with the offender. Especially, according to Ülger, as “Social disintegration is a factor that can lead to re-radicalization”, and therefore a demand-driven counselling approach is highly encouraged, as it demonstrates in practical terms to be successful in preventing individuals from becoming more radicalized in the end.
The presentation can be found here.
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