Gerry McNally, CEP President and Taro Morinaga, UNAFEI Director

In September 2022 CEP President Gerry McNally and UNAFEI Director Taro Morinaga signed an agreement as a new step in future cooperation between the international partners. By signing the agreement, UNAFEI becomes an affiliate member of CEP. This is a new step forward in making a wider global network for the benefit of probation services globally.

UNAFEI – United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders is one of the UN Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Networks Institutes, established in 1962 by an agreement between the UN and the Government of Japan.

UNAFEI’s main activities are to hold international training courses and seminars for criminal justice practitioners from around the world and to undertake research in the field of prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders.

CEP Board members have been involved in UNAFEI activities, namely Vice-President (new Secretary General) Jana Spero and board member Professor Fergus McNeill were guests at UNAFEI in Tokyo and took part in the 14th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice organized in Kyoto, Japan in 2021. Jana Spero was also one of the visiting experts at the 174th International Senior Seminar (2020). Also, Stephen Pitts, CEP Ambassador, has been cooperating with UNAFEI for a long period of time.

Taking into account that UNAFEI contributes to the enhancement of justice in the international community, provides technical assistance and has involvement in various international activities, we strongly believe that there will be numerous activities between partners for the benefit of the community. CEP is very interested in learning more about volunteer programs in probation in Japan, while UNAFEI can access a large network of probation professionals in Europe under the network of CEP.

Both parties expressed their satisfaction with the possibilities of future cooperation.

from left to right: Gerry McNally (CEP), Jana Spero(CEP), Taro Morinaga(UNAFEI), Annie Devos(CEP) and Willem van der Brugge(CEP)

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