On 5th and 6th of July, CEP Secretary General Jana Spero visited a new CEP member organisation – The Penitentiary Administration of the Basque Country.
During the visit, Ms Spero presented the Confederation of European Probation, its organisation, actions and activities.
Mr. Eugenio Artetxe Palomar, Justice General Director from the Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies of
Basque Country, Judge Jaime Tapia, the Basque Government’s advisor for penitentiary policy and Mr. Pablo Maria Martinez Larburu, manager of the Prison management programme, who were the host of the visit, explained the situation regarding the probation service in Basque Country. It was also discussed how to include representatives of Basque Bountry to different CEP activities and CEP events, but also the possibility to organise events in Basque Country in upcoming years.
Secretary General visited the Probation office in Bilbao, an NGO „Instituto de Reintegration Social de Euskadi”, where she heard about alternative sanctions and measures taking part in the community. Representatives of the NGO explained the different treatment programmes they offer when working with different groups of offenders.