From 28th-30th May, CEP was represented at the Council for Penological Co-operation (PC-CP) 35th Working Group Meeting in Council of Europe (CoE),  Strasbourg, France.

CEP was represented by CEP Secretary General Jana Spero, along with board members Danijela Mrhar Prelic (PC-CP member) and Daniel Danglades (observer for France).

During the 3 days of the Working Group Meeting, discussion was on different topics including the Draft CM Recommendation on the management of mental disorders and the promotion of positive mental health by the prison and probation services; Recommendations on foreign prisoners and future revision and updating of the Council of Europe Probation Rules. It was decided that CEP and CoE would approach member states with the questionnaire to explore the scope of the possible revision of the European Probation Rules.

During the Meeting, CEP representatives had the chance to inform group members about CEP activities. CEP Board member Daniel Danglades will prepare a presentation for the meeting in November as a chair of the CEP&EuroPris joint Expert Group on Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation.  Also, Nadya Radkovska requested assistance from the members regarding collecting data for the CEP expert group on Violent Extremism.

Final preparations were made for the upcoming 29th CDPPS  that will be held on 26th-27th June 2024 in Sofia, Bulgaria.


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