The 28th German Prevention Congress, including the 16th Annual International Forum (AIF), will take place on June 12 and 13, 2023. This event will be on-site, taking place at the Congress Center Rosengarten in Mannheim, Germany.

The main topic of the 28th German Prevention Congress is . In short, the 28th DPT is dedicated to topics such as the perception, impact, handling and preventive approaches to solving current crises. The Congress will focus in particular on these efforts in order to highlight and disseminate already existing research findings, solution approaches, promising strategies and measures. In addition, it is intended to identify the research and practical needs that continue to be necessary for crisis management.

Besides the main topic “Crises & Prevention”, all other current topics of violence and crime prevention up to the extended field of addiction prevention, public health and traffic safety will be discussed during the congress.
We invite you to contribute to our lecture sessions and to our congress exhibition (poster presentations and exhibition stands). Conditions of participation and online application forms can be found here.

The deadline for applications is 31 January 2023.


more info about this event, click here.



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