On behalf of the Academy of Justice, we would like to invite scientists and practitioners to participate in international publication on the subject of alcohol monitoring in penitentiary and probation service, including law, pedagogical, ethical, psychological and technological issues.
Click here to read the details, of how the AJ Team started implementing alcohol monitoring in the penitentiary and probation system in Poland. The final step includes publishing the final international monograph by our Publishing House.
Each person who is interested in cooperation should prepare until 5th January 2023 an article on alcohol monitoring, by following the rules such as: preparing the abstract and keywords, length of the article from 10 to 23 pages using Times New Roman font, size: 12, line spacing: 1,5 and footnotes ( for an example click here).
Articles will be published in one book (scientific monograph), which is going to be published in English and Polish and will be available online in open access on the academy webpage.
In case of additional information, question please contact Mrs. Maja Zawadzka by e-mail (maja.zawadzka@swwws.edu.pl).