The group

One country’s foreign national prisoner is another country’s citizen imprisoned abroad. This dual perspective is key to the work of the Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation Network (FNPP) and important, we believe, to appreciating and understanding the issues of foreign prisoners. The FNPP Network believes that the responsibility for the rehabilitation, resettlement and risk reduction of foreign national prisoners is a shared one for every country in Europe.

The present CEP & EuroPris Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation Network has developed from a number of European organisations who supported their nationals imprisoned abroad and which first met together in the 1980s. In 1993, this group formed into the European Group of Prisoners Abroad (EGPA). In 2007 it became a Special Interest Group (SIG) of the European Confederation of Probation (CEP). In 2013 with the creation of EuroPris, it was felt that the interests of the SIG could best be met through a joint CEP & EuroPris Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation Expert Group. In 2019 following an organisational review, it changed to a Network, reflecting its focus and work.

The CEP & EuroPris Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation Network is unique in Europe. Its membership comprises organizations working with their nationals imprisoned abroad, statutory prison and probation organizations working with foreign national prisoners and foreign nationals on community sanctions & on post-release licence in the community as well as academic and non- statutory members. EuroPris and CEP work by using expert groups and expert networks respectively, with different processes & procedures for membership and administration. The organisation, membership and administration of the FNPP Network combines both these approaches.

The aims of the FNPP Network are therefore necessarily wide, covering the objectives of organizations, statutory and non-statutory, working with their nationals imprisoned and on community sanctions abroad as well as foreign nationals of other countries, imprisoned or on community sanctions in their country. These needs are complementary and produce a shared perspective with common objectives and purposes focused on effective rehabilitation and resettlement and the reduction of the risk of reoffending, based on European and international instruments, guidance and recommendations with a human rights perspective.

The CEP & EuroPris FNPPP Network works collaboratively to improve the management and resettlement of foreign nationals in European prisons by assisting in the collection, sharing and dissemination of information and expertise that provides value to interested individuals, groups and CEP and EuroPris Members.

Aims and objectives 

To promote better national regulation and best practice for Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation in Europe. This will be addressed by contributing to a greater awareness of FNPP issues through work, study, cooperation and collaboration with specialist organizations, groups and experts to improve the management, rehabilitation and resettlement needs of FNPPs.

To achieve these aims, the CEP & EuroPris Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation Network will:

  • seek to promote the welfare and interests of European nationals who are imprisoned outside their country of residence, in order to facilitate their social reintegration;
  • promote co-operation and the exchange of information between national and international agencies and groups which support prisoners abroad and their families;
  • liaise with individuals, state and non-governmental bodies who provide support to prisoners abroad;
  • promote the adoption of the Council of Europe Recommendations on Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation and other international instruments & standards and guidance as appropriate;
  • contribute to the training of prison, probation and ngo staff to improve work with FNPPs;
  • act as a network and information resource on FNPPs for the benefit of CEP andEuroPris members, relevant organisations and groups;
  • promote the work of volunteers, ngo’s, consulates and embassies with FNPPs
  • encourage the establishment and development of national agencies in all European countries for the welfare of prisoners abroad;
  • promote the use of prison transfers, so that where appropriate, sentences can be served in the person’s home country;
  • seek to improve the competencies of its members and other organizations interested in the welfare of prisoners abroad through education, advice and exchange of information and experience;
  • promote the increased use of non-custodial sanctions for Foreign National


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