This project, led by the Europäische Rechts Akademie (ERA) and co-financed by the Justice Programme 2014-2020 of the European Union, consists of five seminars, two of which were planned to take place in Bucharest and Strasbourg in 2020, and three in Bucharest and Brussels in 2021. Each seminar focused on a different aspect of enhancing cross-border mutual legal assistance and recognition of decisions within the context of detention, with the aim to provide practical training for judges, prosecutors and lawyers in private practice, as well as prison and probation staff, in the field of detention. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 all events in 2021 had to be replaced by online ones, but a face-to-face seminar in Bucharest was scheduled on 28 February-1 March 2022. In the project’s e-library you will find the five seminars’ background documentations, speakers’ contributions, as well as all of the e-presentations:  e-Library – Detention and MLA (

The general objective is to debate and assess how European legislation, standards and forms of cooperation are applied in the field of detention in the EU Member States, as well as to look at the matters from a perspective that encourages better cooperation between Member States, so as to ensure that the highest possible standards are maintained and mutual trust and recognition are enhanced. EU and Council of Europe (CoE) standards, best practice within Member States, European Court of Human Right’s (ECtHR) and CJEU case law will be discussed and assessed during the seminars. The framework decisions in relation to the transfer of prisoners, probation and alternative sanctions, the European Supervision Order and European Arrest Warrant will be examined in greater detail and their application and use discussed. The seminars will also refer to the main uses of the Council of Europe’s recommendations on detention, the non-binding European Prison Rules.

More information about the project partners and methodology can be found here.

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