From the 4th until the 8th of July 2022 the Criminal Justice Platform Europe organised the 4th edition of the Criminal Justice Summer Course together with the Centre of Legal Studies and Specialised Training in Barcelona. The conference was attended by 32 participants from 13 countries.
The focus was upon policy and practice: what works – new ideas – restorative methods – preventing reoffending – research – workshops – practice visits – sharing experience. Participants brought their expertise and, through engaging with the courses, became better equipped and informed about current approaches and effective interventions.
Each organisation member of CJPE addressed this topic from a different but complementary angles:
- The European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services (EuroPris) focussed on ethics in management and treatment of individuals sentenced for a sexual offense;
- The Confederation of European Probation (CEP) explored the better understanding of sexual abuse to create effective policy and practice;
- The European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ) looked how to include victims and use restorative justice approaches to respond to sexual violence.
See below for the presentations and the reports from the 4th CJPE Summer Course on Better understanding sexual abuse to create effective policy and practice.
Treatment of People Convicted for Sexual Offenses (PCSO): Old and New Challenges, Wineke Smid
more coming soon
Workshop reports
Report: Criminal Justice Platform Europe
Report: EuroPris
Report: CEP