CEP President Gerry McNally, attended the 4th World Congress on Probation in Sydney, Australia on 18th-20th September hosted by the Corrective Services NSW. CEP, with APPA and ICPA, have supported the hosting of the WCP around the world to connect the world probation family as well as promoting contact and sharing of expertise and experience. The conference was attended by 16 European participants among over 300 registered.
CEP Boardmember Prof. Fergus McNeill opened the World Congress with an insightful and challenging paper on principles of probation and what it means. There were keynote papers also by Prof. Faye Taxman, Prof. Kyoko Hazama and other distinguished speakers. In addition, there were international workshops from an array of presenters and services.
The World Congress is a valuable bi-annual opportunity to bring together and meet experts in community based sanctions and probation from around the world.
The presentations and workshop papers from the 4th World Congress on Probation in Sydney are being assembled by the Congress hosts and will be available in due course on our website.
The 5th World Congress on Probation will be held in Ottawa, Canada in September 2021 hosted by the Parole Board of Canada and partners.