Papers and presentations
The papers and presentations from the 5th World Congress on Parole and Probation can be found on the CCJA website.
CEP at the 5th World Congress on Probation and Parole
“No One Left Behind: Building Community Capacity”
The 5th World Congress on Probation and Parole was held in Ottawa, Canada, from 28th September to 1st October 2022. The Congress brought together professionals from all parts of the world; 320 delegates and participants from over 30 countries. The theme, No One Left Behind, encapsulated the shared commitment of probation and parole authorities and professionals to reach out to and include the marginalised and excluded at the heart of their work. The Congress programme offered a wide variety of excellent speeches and workshops, representing the best practices around the world with the same idea; treatment and rehabilitation of offenders under probation supervision, respecting and protecting human rights and working for a safer and better society for all.

CEP is one of the founders of the World Congress on Probation and, with international and local partners, hosted the first World Congress on Probation in London in 2013. CEP is an active participant in the World Congress Advisory Group and has been represented at every biennial World Congress. At the 5th World Congress on Probation and Parole, hosted by the Parole Board of Canada and partners, in Ottawa, CEP was represented by President Mr. Gerry McNally, Vice-President Ms. Annie Devos, Secretary General Ms. Jana Spero, Board Members Ms. Iuliana Carbunaru and Ms. Pia Andersson, CEP Ambassador Mr. Steve Pitts as well as by delegates and contributors from many CEP member jurisdictions. CEP had a very successful stand with promotional materials where Congress participants could meet and chat with representatives of CEP to learn about CEP, its network and its many activities. The Congress and the CEP stand provided an excellent opportunity to present CEP’s and its members’ work to old and new friends from across the world as well as develop and strengthen many links and partnerships.

CEP is proud to highlight that President Mr. Gerry McNally delivered opening and welcome remarks and also made a roundtable presentation, The Irish System and the Origins of Parole. Vice-President Ms. Annie Devos and Board Member Ms. Iuliana Carbunaru were roundtable speakers as was Professor Ioan Durnescu, an honorary member of CEP. Board Member Ms. Pia Andersson presented Finland in one of the workshops. Many representatives of European countries, members of the CEP, were included in the Congress programme.
At the Congress, Johan Bac, Director General of Reclassering Nederland, also announced that the next World Congress on Probation, the 6th, will take place in the Netherlands, as part of the celebration of the 200-year anniversary of probation in the Netherlands. CEP will be an active partner and supporter of Reclassering Nederland, a valued and long-standing CEP member, in their planning and preparations for the 6th World Congress.

The 5th World Congress on Probation and Parole in Ottawa was a valuable and successful event strengthening the world ‘family’ of probation and parole. It has helped bring probation and parole professionals across the world closer and, more than ever, committed to sharing and learning together. Special thanks are due to the Parole Board of Canada, and their partners, for their care and attention in ensuring that the World Congress ran smoothly and successfully.