Conferences and Meetings
Assessment Research
The Barcelona Network to fight Violence against Women
Amy Thornton, Deputy Head of Probation – Black Country, Dudley, UK.
Katharine Russell. consultant forensic clinical psychologist and
Rajan Darjee, consultant forensic psychiatrist. NHS Lothian Sex Offender Liaison Service, Edinburgh
Dr Anna Richards, Public Health Consultant,, Public Health England, Wellington House, London
R. Karl Hanson, Corrections Research, Department of the Solicitor General of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada,
David Thornton, Offender Behaviour Programmes Unit, HMPPS London, England.
Mia Debidin (Editor), Ministry of Justice, England and Wales
Anthony W. Flores, Department of Criminal Justice, California State University. Christopher T. Lowenkamp,. Alexander M. Holsinger,Department of Sociology/Criminal Justice and Criminology, University of Missouri.Edward J. Latessa, Division of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati.
Kort Prince, Robert P. Butters, Utah Criminal Justice Center, College of Social Work, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, United States
P. Randall Kropp, Ph.D.
Stephen D. Hart, Ph.D.
Swedish Prison and Probation services (SPPS)
Pre-Sentence Reports Research
Cyrus Tata, Professor of Law and Criminal Justice, Centre for Law, Crime and Justice, Strathclyde University Law School, Scotland
Cyrus Tata, Centre for Sentencing Research, Law School, Strathclyde University, Glasgow. Nicola Burns, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Applied Social Science, Glasgow University; Simon Halliday, Law School,
Strathclyde University, Glascow. Fergus McNeill, Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research, University of Glasgow and Glasgow School of Social Work.
Dr Nicola Carr is Associate Professor in Criminology, School of Sociology & Social Policy, University of Nottingham, UK
Dr Niamh Maguire is a Lecturer in Criminal Law and Criminology, School of Humanities, Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT)
Cyrus Tata, Senior Lecturer in Law, Centre for Sentencing Research, Law School, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland.
Simon Hallida, Reader in Law, Strathclyde University, and Visiting Fellow Oxford University.
Neil Hutton, Professor of Law, and Dean of the Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences, University of Strathclyde.
Fergus McNeill, Senior Lecturer, Glasgow School of Social Work, Scotland UK