Dr Danijela Mrhar Prelic, Dr. Dominika Svarc Pipan and Jana Spero


On December 22, 2023, CEP Secretary-General Jana Spero concluded the year with a visit to CEP member, The Probation Service in the Republic of Slovenia.

CEP SG visited the headquarters of the Probation Service in Ljubljana, where a warm welcome awaited from Director Dr. Danijela Mrhar Prelic, also a CEP Board member, and her dedicated team.

Following the visit to the Slovenian Probation Administration, Jana participated in a meeting with the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Dominika Svarc Pipan. The meeting emphasized the excellent cooperation between Slovenia and CEP, with the Minister expressing strong support for probation at both national and international levels.

It is also crucial to highlight that in November 2023, Dr. Danijela Mrhar Prelic, Director of Slovenian Probation and CEP Board member, at the proposal of the Minister of Justice, received a Medal for outstanding work achievements or efforts. This recognition is for completing highly demanding projects in the field of justice in the Republic of Slovenia for the development of the Probation Service.

Dominika Svarc Pipan and Danijela Mrhar Prelic holding the “Medal for outstanding work achievements or efforts”

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