During the General Assembly and CEP Conference on Human Rights and Ethics in Dubrovnik, CEP presented the five CEP Awards to its winners. The categories are:

  • Rehabilitation in the community
  • Public Protection
  • Research
  • Social Inclusion
  • Development national probation services

With the awards, CEP would like to celebrate outstanding contributions to probation within Europe. We were glad to receive all the impressive submissions from which the winners are chosen. Congratulations!

For each category also “runners-up” were announced – submissions that had not been awarded but looked very promising.

Rehabilitation in the community

The winner of the CEP Rehabilitation in the Community Award is the project Project You Matter Too (UM2) by the Czech Republic.

Highly commended and runner-up

Restorative Justice Project Marseille (France)

Promoting Positive Relationship Programme (PPRP) (Northern Ireland)

Michelle Fraser, Probation Officer (England and Wales)

Sue Hall – Social Inclusion

The winner of the CEP Social Inclusion Award is the project Yellow Ribbon Run by the Czech Republic.

Highly commended and runner-up

Sustainable Spring Project (France)

Liverpool Ethnic Minority Specialist Service  (England and Wales)

Service User Engagement (Northern Ireland)

Public protection

The winner of the CEP Public Protection Award is the project Eden House, Approved premises for women by the Interventions Alliance.

Highly commended and runner-up

Angela Auty, Senior Probation Officer (England and Wales)
Bryony King, Probation Officer (England and Wales)
Laura Woodward, Probation Officer  (England and Wales)
Sifa Hassan, Probation Officer (England and Wales)

Gender perspective in Probation officers (Catalonia)

Restorative Justice Project Dijon (France)

Intensive Supervision Units/Public Protection Unit (Ireland)

Development of National Probation Services

The winner of the CEP Development of National Probation Services Award is the project Project on a process of developing services by the Prison and Probation Service of Finland.

Highly commended and runner-up

Probation Reform Programme (England and Wales)

The Foreign National Offenders Coordination Hub (England and Wales)

Development of the State Probation Service of Latvia (Latvia)


The winner of the CEP Research Award is Julia Audick with her research Supervision of probation during the crisis by the Bewährungs-und Gerichtshilfe Baden-Württtemberg

Highly commended and runner-up

Research for The COllaborative Network for Training and EXcellence in psychoTraumatology (CONTEXT) (Northern Ireland)

The experimental system of judicial control with the probationary placement of perpetrators of domestic violence. Research evaluation in law and sociology (France)

Womens lead research (United Kingdom)

Use of community service, monitoring sentence, and community service imposed as an ancillary sanction to conditional imprisonment in the penal system (Finland)

Moving Forward Together: Mental Health Among Persons Supervised by the Probation Service (Ireland)



>>Want to know more about the winning project, read here.