Agora: Present and future of training and applied research in the field of criminal justice: a European perspective
This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Center for Legal Studies and Specialized Training (CEJFE) in Barcelona, Catalonia – Spain.

To commemorate the anniversary, in 2023 five outstanding events, under the name of Agoras, were organized. Experts in the field of training were invited to discuss and reflect on the training of criminal justice professionals. The aim of this program of activities was to highlight the multiple contributions made in these four decades, identify pending challenges and last but not least to reflect and discuss on a new direction of the CEJFE for the coming years.
On Friday, 15 December 2023, as part of the Agora: ¨Present and future of training and applied research in the field of criminal justice: a European perspective¨, Ms. Danijela Mrhar Prelic, Director General of the Probation Administration in Slovenia and CEP Board member, presented as a good practice the model and strategy for the training of Probation professionals in Slovenia.
The Confederation of European Probation once again extends its sincere congratulations to the Centre for Legal Studies and Specialized Training for the 40 years of excellent work and thanks for close collaboration, partnership, support and friendship.
Within the framework of this joint work and partnership, the collaboration agreement between the Catalan Justice Department and the Confederation of European Probation is also noteworthy.
Ms. Marta Ferrer, Deputy Director of Restoration and Probation in Catalonia is a current CEP Board member.
CEP has one of its offices at the CEJFE with Ms. Anna Esquerrà Roqueta working as the CEP Policy and Liaison Officer, and over the years, it has organized various international activities (workshops, summer courses, expert groups, and others) there.
More on the work of CEJFE can be found here