On Wednesday, July 19th, CEP had the honour of being a panellist on the Spotlights: Criminal Justice Lessons from Around the World, an online event hosted by Howard League events.
England and Wales has the highest rate of imprisonment in Western Europe, with more than 85,000 men, women and children behind bars. Chronic overcrowding and acute staff shortages have become the norm in prisons where people routinely spend up to 23 hours a day with nothing to do. But the government has committed more than £ 4 billion to increase the prison population still further – as high as 106,300 by March 2027.
This online event brought together a panel of international experts to share their knowledge of criminal justice systems in other jurisdictions and discover what has worked to reduce crime and make people safer. One of their guests was CEP’s Secretary General, Jana Špero. With her background as the former Director-General for Prisons and Probation in Croatia, as well as an International Consultant of the Council of Europe, she actively contributed to various initiatives aimed at progressing probation services, such as workshops, roundtables, and projects. Her insights were highly valued due to her comprehensive knowledge and ability to share practical perspectives.