On February 22nd 2024, VSE is organizing an in-person event titled ‘Leave No Victim Behind: Victims’ Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals’, hosted at The Press Club Brussels Europe. The event is scheduled from 13:30 to 17:00 (CET) and will also be broadcasted on YouTube’s ‘Brussels Press Club TV’ for those unable to attend in person.

The symposium aims to underscore the inherent link between victims’ rights and the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It seeks to foster dialogue among stakeholders to address identifiable gaps and challenges. Through the sharing of victims’ testimonies and expert insights, the event will emphasize the necessity for an inclusive approach to sustainable development.

Program Highlights

Panel Session 1: Setting the Context – Victims’ Rights and Specific SDGs

Discussion Topics: 

  • Victims’ Rights and Sustainable Development Goals in the Revised Victims’ Rights Directive (European Commission)
  • OSCE & SDGs: How the Implementation of SDGs Could Boost the Anti-Trafficking Response and Particularly Assist Victims of This Crime(OSCE)
  • EU Commitments to a Rights-Based Approach to Sustainable Development (EU Agency for Fundamental Rights)
  • The interconnectedness between Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and victim resilience’(University of Hull)

Panel Session 2: SDG 16 – Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Discussion Topics:

  • Victim-Sensitive Approach to Justice and SDG16 (CAW)
  • Topic TBC (Slachtofferhulp Nederland)
  • Victim-Centered Criminal Justice Reforms (UNODC)

Panel Session 3: SDGs 8 & 10 – Equality and Inclusion

Discussion Topics:

  • The Challenges Faced by Undocumented Migrants and Those with an Insecure Status Across Different Spheres of Life(PICUM)
  • Improving Access to Justice for People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families (Inclusion Europe)
  • Improving Access to Justice for Older Victims of Crime (European Parliament / AGE Platform)
  • Increasing Access to Justice for Sex Workers (European Sex Workers’ Rights Alliance)

The symposium will be followed by networking drinks, during which you will have the opportunity to engage with the speakers and other guests of VSE.

If you intend to attend the event in person, kindly register using the following link, as spaces are limited:  https://vse-form.typeform.com/to/yoewOrMS?typeform-source=victim-support.eu

Please note that registration closes on Monday, February 19th. 

>>More detailed information about the event can be found here.

For further questions, please contact comms-intern@victimsupporteurope.eu.

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