The publication of the 2023 report on European judicial training, which presents the latest training figures of justice professionals on EU law in 2022, is online.

This twelfth report charts the progress towards the qualitative and quantitative objectives set by the European judicial training strategy for 2021-2024. It measures the participation of targeted justice professionals in training activities on EU law, non-legal skills and language skills.

The report shows that in 2022, more than 240 000 justice professionals received training on EU law, confirming the general upward trend after the years of the pandemic. Compared to 2021, the data shows an increase in the number of professionals trained for most professions (judges, prosecutors, court and prosecutors’ office staff, bailiffs and notaries, except for lawyers for which the 2022 data shows a decrease of 27%). Significant differences remain between the professions and among Member States, underlining the importance of keeping training high on our agenda. A section is dedicated to the training of prison and probation staff.

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