The group

In December 2016, CEP invited a number of experts in the field of violent extremism from different European countries to attend the very first expert group meeting on radicalisation and violent extremism.

The purpose of the expert meetings is not only to exchange information and knowledge on violent extremism, but also to share good practices and to reflect on developments in different European member states. This way participants can learn from the experience of experts in other countries dealing with similar problems and questions.

The expert meetings ensure a certain in-depth information and knowledge exchange. Therefore the number of participants is limited (8 experts) and the setting is considered more or less informal. The CEP strives to create a differentiated group of experts from various fields such as ministries, probation services, prison services, judiciary and academics.

The meetings take place annually. After every meeting, a report will be made available. In 2022, new representatives of the expert group were nominated for the period of 2022-2024.