Together with two other organisations the CEP forms the Criminal Justice Platform Europe. On this page you will find more information on the two other organisations (EuroPris and European Forum for Restorative Justice).
The European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services
EuroPris focuses on the field of prison services. Their mission is to promote professional practice in prison. EuroPris wants to improve public safety and security through improved detention standards and practice in Europe, through reduced re-offending and through advanced professionalism in the correctional field. The EuroPris network facilitates communication between national prison agencies and encourages collaboration and information sharing to address the many practical, unique (and often difficult) issues that their members face in their daily professional work.
European Forum for Restorative Justice (EFRJ)
The EFRJ focuses on the application of restorative justice to criminal matters but other areas, such as family, school and community mediation, are not excluded. The EFRJ does not defend any one ‘best practice’ model of restorative justice, but recognises that restorative justice is an evolving approach.
The general aim of the EFRJ is to contribute to the development and establishment of victim-offender mediation and other restorative justice practices throughout Europe