“A bridge to change”: Experiences of participation in “VINN”— a motivational program for convicted women
Torunn Højdahl, Jeanette H. Magnus and Eva Langeland
Beyond the Banality of Evil. Criminology and Genocide
Augustine Brannigan
Doing Probation Work: Identity in a Criminal Justice Occupation
Rob C. Mawby and Anne Worrall
The European Probation Rules, Assessment and Risk
Professor Rob Canton
Evaluating the impact of progression to the GALLANT projects within Durham Tees Valley Probation Trust
Helen Collins and John Graham
Service User Engagement – What’s the big deal?
William Hughes
What Works in Offender Compliance
Pamela Ugwudike and Peter Raynor
Where are we in resettlement research?
Pascal Décarpes and Ioan Durnescu