Changes in Norwegian probation officers’ attitudes, behaviour, perceptions and evaluations following a national safety training intervention
Hilde Hestad Iversen, Kristin Helleso-Knutsen, Ida Stendahl and Janne Helgesen
Circles of Support and Accountability, and community reintegration for those at risk of sexually reoffending
Stephen Hanvey and Mechtild Höing
Curfew as a means, not as an end – Electronic Monitoring in Norway
Marianne Kylstad Øster and Tore Rokkan
Managing cases or supporting change? Some implications of desistance research for case management
Beth Weaver and Fergus McNeill
“VINN” - An accredited motivational program promoting convicted women’s sense of coherence and coping
Torunn Højdahl, Jeanette H. Magnus, Roger Hagen and Eva Langeland