We are pleased to announce that this year 2025 the Expert Network on Education and Training meeting will take place on 26 and 27 March in Agen, France, at the National School of the Penitentiary Administration (ENAP) premises.
Education and training within the sector of Probation are on the European Agenda and also it is one of CEP’s members’ interest. With developments in European criminal justice and greater mobility of European citizens, a clear need has emerged for more knowledge on education and training. For this reason, in 2018 CEP started with the creation of a network of experts on education and training in the Probation sector. CEP wishes to continue with strengthen the European network on education and training in the field of Probation by organizing annual meetings of this network.
This year’s meeting aims at enhancing the knowledge of education and training particularly in Mentoring in the context of Probation training, exchanging experiences and good practices between different countries, share recent updates in relation to both legislative developments and intervention to create a solid expert network in the field of education and training of probation staff at European Level.
The programme will be very active and complete combining plenary presentations and workshop sessions with the idea of working around specific questions and producing a document with some initial recommendations/guidance.
If you are a professional working in the field of probation training and/or if you are a Probation Training Academy and wish to know more about this meeting, please be so kind to contact anna@cep-probation.org