The fourth edition CEP Awards is coming – CEP is planning to present the Awards ceremony during the 2025 General Assembly in Vienna!

With the Awards, CEP would like to celebrate outstanding contributions to Probation in the following categories:

  1. Rehabilitation and social inclusion (The Sue Hall Award) – An award for effective rehabilitation and work which promotes social inclusion of probation clients.
  2. Enhancing the profile of probation and promoting professionalization  – An award for work raising the profile and public awareness of probation and for promoting the development of probation practice through the development of skills and training.
  3. Probation Research – An award for research which has had a demonstrable impact on probation practice and/or policy within the last five years.

The CEP Awards winners will be invited to a presentation ceremony in Vienna, Austria in 2025. The Awards ceremony will be a unique opportunity to celebrate the winners and showcase good practices.

Application is open

Click here to apply!
The deadline for applications is at the end of April 2025.


The awards scheme reflects CEP’s vision – to contribute to safer communities by supporting the rehabilitation and reintegration of people subject to probation supervision and providing the best possible interventions to reduce re-offending and the impact of crime.

The Award Scheme aims to:

  • Celebrate and recognise outstanding achievement in a range of probation settings
  • Promote professionalism and excellence
  • Foster good practice through dissemination of information about award winners
  • Improve awareness of probation and stimulate publicity
  • Encourage leadership and partnership
  • Promote research and the sharing of professional knowledge
  • Promote CEP values, and a commitment to diversity and human rights


An organisation can make multiple submissions, but each submission can only be made under one category.

For the awards on (1) Rehabilitation and social inclusion (The Sue Hall Award) and on (2) Enhancing the profile of probation and promoting  professionalization :

  • The competition is open to all organisations in CEP member states that work to provide probation or community justice services in the community.
  • The work nominated must be based in the community.
  • The work must be able to show that it has clear objectives and provide evidence about its success in meeting these.

For the award on (3) Probation Research:

  • The research nominated must have been published in the last 5 years. If the research has not been published in English, a summary in English must be provided.
  • The nomination must show how the research has been used to develop or support the ethical and effective development and/or use of probation services.


In making their decisions the Awards Committee will evaluate:

  1. The extent to which the nominated service or project or activity represents significant and progressive innovation in the probation field
  2. The positive impacts or effectiveness of the service, project or activity
  3. The extent to which the service, project or activity has enhanced the credibility of probation, either in the criminal justice field or in society more broadly
  4. Evidence of the sustainability of the positive change associated with the service, project or activity

In applying these criteria, due consideration will be given to the state of development of the probation system from which the nomination comes, and of CEP’s aspiration to recognise and celebrate excellence and achievement across member organisations.