Core Correctional Skills

This manual explores: … the most important competencies in offender rehabilitation: relationship skills, pro-social modelling, problem solving, motivational interviewing and cognitive restructuring. Each skill is described from both a theoretical and a practical perspective and is developed through different exercises, reflection points, practice tips, scales and questionnaires. Readers are also advised on further reading or … Continued

Sentencing: A Social Process. Re-thinking Research & Policy

This book asks how we should make sense of sentencing when, despite huge efforts world-wide to analyse, critique and reform it, it remains an enigma.  Sentencing: A Social Process reveals how both research and policy-thinking about sentencing are confined by a paradigm that presumes autonomous individualism, projecting an artificial image of sentencing practices and policy potential. … Continued

Prisoner Resettlement in Europe

This book is written by Frieder Dünkel (Professor Emeritus at the Department of Criminology at the University of Greifswald, Germany), Ineke Pruin (Assistant Professor at the Department for Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Bern, Switzerland), Anette Storgaard (Professor of Criminology and Penology at the Law Department at the University of Aarhus, Denmark) … Continued

Prison: a breeding ground for radicalisation and violent extremism?

What measures can prison authorities take to detect radicalisation in prison? How should prison staff be selected? How should they be trained to evaluate and manage the risks without abandoning high ethical standards? What role can religious representatives, psychologists, friends and family play? The appalling images of recent terrorist attacks in Europe and the rest … Continued

Reimagining Rehabilitation: Beyond the Individual

‘Reimagining Rehabilitation: Beyond the Individual’ is published in June 2018 and written by Lol Burke, Steve Collett and Fergus McNeill. This book aims to make the case for and provide some of the resources necessary to reimagine rehabilitation for twenty-first-century criminal justice. Outlining an approach to rehabilitation which takes into account wider democratic processes, political structures … Continued

Pervasive Punishment: Making Sense of Mass Supervision

On the 16th of November 2018, Fergus McNeill, Professor in Criminology and Social Work at the University  of Glasgow and CEP Boardmember, published his new book ‘Pervasive Punishment: Making Sense of Mass Supervision’. Despite its dramatic proliferation and diversification in recent decades, supervisory forms of punishment in the community (like probation, parole and unpaid work) … Continued

The Oxford Handbook of Offender Decision Making

The Oxford Handbook of Offender Decision Making is a book written by researchers Wim Bernasco, Jean-Louis van Gelder and Henk Elffers. It provides reviews of the main paradigms in offender decision-making, such as rational choice theory and dual-process theory. The book does not only include information about the decision to get involved in criminal behaviour, … Continued

Enforcement of Offender Supervision in Europe

The book ‘Enforcement of Offender Supervision’  by Niamh MaGuire and Miranda Boone provides a comparative analysis of the process of breach across ten different European jurisdictions. The book focused on the breach processes that follow non-compliance with a community sanction or measure and non-compliance with conditional early release from prison. It is informed by the … Continued