From the 15th until the 17th of November 2017, the 7th conference for Directors General in Probation took place, this time in Brussels, Belgium. The event was kindly hosted by the French-speaking DG Houses of Justice (Wallonia-Brussels Federation).

The Conference for Directors General is an important biannual conference for the CEP members, where they get the opportunity to exchange knowledge and witness interesting presentations, but it is also a very good opportunity to maintain and develop networks across Europe.

Many topics that are important for the work and world of probation were discussed, as well as several relevant European developments. This Directors General meeting focused on the following key strategic issues for probation:

  • Theories and Models of Organisational Change;
  • Leading Change in Organisations: A Focus on Quality Assurance;
  • Managing Organisational Change and Innovation;
  • Coping with the inevitable barrage of changes that confront DG’s daily in attempting to keep probation organisations viable and current.


Presentation Karin Geuijen ‘Creating Public Value in Probation Services’

Presentation Sonia Crozier  Organisational changes in England & Wales; working with the private Community Rehabilitation Companies & National Probation Service’

Presentation Mihails Papsujevics ‘Leading probation organisation into next stage of organisational development’

Presentation Annie Devos and Hans Dominicus “The Belgium experience: How to lead and organise a Probation organisation in handling violent extremism and radicalisation’

Presentation Emmanuelle Cretin-Magand ‘EU support to training challenges for probation officers’

Presentation Vivian Geiran ‘Development and advancement of European standards in probation, community sanctions and measures’

Presentation Diana Obagel ‘Quality and impact inspections – The effectiveness of the probation work in Romania’

Presentation Lennart Palmgren ‘Standardizing organisational processes to improve the quality of probation activities’

Presentation Christoph Koss ‘Volunteers in the Austrian Probation Service’

Presentation Jolanda Mooij ‘Implications of new technology: implementing web and smartphone based applications within probation practices/applications in supporting probationers’

Presentation Maurilia Veloso ‘E-learning and Organisational Culture’

Presentation Stefania Rosanio and Jeroen Sollinger ‘Project “Mattie” Always-on friend’

Final declaration

Declaration 2017


Take a look at the pictures that were taken during the conference as well!

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